Monday, November 4, 2013

Orangesicle Creme Cupcakes-Let them EAT CaKe

This is our last week of cooking class. Please make sure if you haven't made a payment that you do so this week, I have to advise our elective coordinator who hasn't paid this week. Checks or cash are accepted. Please make checks payable to Esmeralda Williams. Please let me know if you are going through a financial hardship and can not make the payment. I do offer scholarships and want to make sure every student has an opportunity to participate in my elective. All information is kept confidential.

The kids have been asking and asking and asking, if we can make cake! So, I thought about it and decided it would be fun to make their dreams come true and make cupcakes this week...after all it is our last week together. Farewell, so long...

Orangesicle Crème Cupcakes

1 Box of white cake mix
1 can of orange soda-We are using orange crème soda
Cupcake liners

Combine the above ingredients together, mix until incorporated. Bake according to the cake box directions. DO NOT add any other ingredients like eggs, oil etc.

Orange Buttercream Frosting

1 cup of unsalted butter (2 sticks)
3 1/2 cups of sifted powdered sugar
pinch of sea salt
1 tbl Crème Bouquet (May be found in specialty stores)
1-2 tsp of fresh orange juice (if your icing is to thick, add more juice)

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