Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 1 - Lesson 1

I hope everyone had a chance to glance through the blog.

We had an exciting first week. I am still getting to know everyone and still learning everyone's name. :) I am excited to see so many little ones from BSC!! If you are bringing your child from BSC, please go through the office on California St. The kids have lunch out by the playground. The bell rings at 1:45pm. The kids are picked up from the blacktop area (where the basketball courts are) and are walked straight over to the kitchen cafeteria. They are dismissed at 2:45pm in front of the office on California St.

This first week the kids were introduced to our kitchen rules. Please note: *If your child has long hair, please make sure they tie it back. I do provide aprons for every child but if your child has a favorite apron at home he/she may bring that in to use.

We made Orange Cookies with a Sweet Orange Glaze. The kids learned what a microplane zester looks like and what it is used for. When zesting, you must be careful because a zester is a sharp gadget and can cut you. They learned that the zest from an orange contains natural oils and when it is combined with sugar and incorporated, the zest releases all of its natural oils and not only is it very fragrant but also flavorful.

They were taught how to use a citrus juicer and squeeze out the juice from an orange. Many kids were amused at how easy it was to make fresh orange juice :) I told them when measuring salt, to always do it over the sink, a bowl or a measuring cup that is not being used. When cracking an egg, always crack into a separate bowl prior to adding it to your mixing bowl. This will ensure no egg shells go directly into the dough.

The kids learned that the oven in the school's kitchen is a industrial commercial size oven and cooks VERY fast!

Looking forward to another fun week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Esmeralda Williams
805 201 5865

Here is a picture of our cookie :)

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