Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lesson 5- How to make a crepe

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

This past week the kids had so much learning how to make crepes along with homemade lemon curd. I explained to the kids that making lemon curd with the recipe I introduced to them is a "NEVER fail recipe" for lemon curd. We started by combining all of the ingredients together and then proceeded to cook it versus starting off on the stove top and adding eggs to a hot liquid; which in many cases if you don't do it perfect, you will scramble the eggs.

I explained to the kids once you are ready to cook the curd, you will have to stir it until it begins to boil. Once the curd is done, place a piece of saran wrap pushing it down on top of the curd. This will prevent a skin from forming on the lemon curd.

When we made the crepes, every child had a chance to practice making a crepe with my help. They learned that you must multi-task when making a crepe. First you slowly pour the batter by starting in the middle,(TIP: make sure the batter is runny). Second, at the same time that you are pouring the batter, make sure to slowly move your crepe pan counter-clockwise or in a slow circle, so that the crepe batter coats the crepe pan.

I gave the kids some examples of different types of crepes. Crepes can be made into dessert crepes or a lunch or dinner crepe. Some of the examples we discussed were; ham and cheese crepes, broccoli, chicken and cheese, Nutella and bananas, yogurt and strawberries...the possibilities are endless. If you can imagine it, you can make it.

Hope your kiddos are feeling more comfortable around the kitchen as well as confident. :)

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